Children’s Mental Health Week 2022

All Foxfields pupils participated in Children’s Mental Health week during the week beginning 07th February 2022. The theme this year was ‘Growing Together’ to promote growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow.
Throughout the week each class took part in a range of activities to promote our pupil’s positive mental health including; Place2Be’s Virtual Assembly, practiced different mindfulness and relaxation strategies and explored different ways that growth can be represented.
It is vital that our pupils are aware of the people that they have around them, in school and outside of school, at times of need. This could be to talk to about a specific problem or concern or to spend time with to make them feel good. Dahl class created ‘Support Balloons’ as a visual representation of the people in their life that offer support to positively lift them up at times of need.
Tennyson class linked their science lesson to the theme of Children’s Mental Health week and planted seeds to watch them grow and blossom. Tennyson pupils observed their plants each day to notice the changes and linked this to how minor changes can support a person’s growth and development.
Rosen class focused on them as individuals by looking at what makes each other unique and their best self. Pupils were able to discuss their skills, attributes and interest and identify what they do to look after their mental health. Pupils recognised the activities in their life that promoted mindfulness and self-care which enabled them to be at their best. This was a good opportunity for pupils to reflect and make links between factors that impacted their mental health and the options they had to make them feel better. It was amazing to see so many pupils have an awareness of what makes them feel good.
We ended our Children’s Mental Health Week with a ‘Dress to Express’ non-uniform day. Pupils and staff attended school in clothing that expressed themselves, we had a great range of expression from bright colours to favourite costumes including our very own Spiderman!
For any help and advice about supporting your mental health please visit and do not hesitate to contact the school’s safeguarding and pastoral team.