“Pupils of all ages thrive at Foxfields Academy” say Ofsted

Staff and pupils at Foxfields Academy are delighted to share that they have been rated a ‘Good’ school with ‘Outstanding’ personal development, following a recent inspection from Ofsted.
Ofsted inspected the school in January and noted in their report that “pupils of all ages thrive at Foxfields Academy”. Ofsted also included that “the school caters very well for pupils’ academic and social and emotional needs. Pupils who may have had negative experiences in the past receive well-planned support to overcome their difficulties”.
Ofsted spoke to the pupils, who said “the staff help us to do our best all the time. Pupils understand the school’s core values of trust, honesty and respect. They agree that these values are important. Pupils say that they feel safe at school. They know that bullying is unacceptable. Pupils say that staff take bullying seriously and deal with any instances quickly and fairly”.
Ofsted commented that the “the core subjects of English, mathematics and science are strong. They went onto say that “leaders and staff support pupils’ broader development exceptionally well. There is a relentless focus on equipping pupils for their next steps beyond the school. Pupils can follow increasingly ambitious pathways into qualifications, employment or further education” Ofsted also recognised that “leaders provide an exceptionally wide range of activities and therapies to support pupils’ social, emotional and mental health needs”.
Ofsted spoke with staff who praised the support they receive from leaders for their workload and well-being.
Those responsible for governance agreed that well-trained and happy staff are the ‘bedrock’ of the school.
Ashley Caress, Headteacher of Foxfields Academy, is delighted with the outcome:
“I am extremely proud of everyone associated with our school. I feel that the report reflects the efforts of our school community and provides us with as excellent platform to continue to grow and develop in the future”.
James Ellis, Director of SEND Education for CIT Academies, added:
“This is a wonderful result. A lot of hard work has gone into getting the school to this point. Mr Caress and his team have done exceptionally well and are now continuing to develop the school further as they aspire to achieve Outstanding in all areas at their next inspection.”
Jane Moore, Director of Children and Family Services, Leicestershire County Council said:
“I am delighted that Foxfields Academy have received a Good rating from Ofsted and that the report sets out the wonderful work taking place to support children with special educational needs and disabilities to do so well in their education.
I am particularly proud of the contribution the school has made in delivering our county wide strategy to ensure we have the right provision in the right place for children with special educational needs.
The excellent work of the staff at the school, the school leaders and the support from parents and carers has created a positive environment for pupils, and it’s particularly pleasing to hear that the pupils themselves feel that they are motivated and encouraged to do their best. I want to congratulate everyone at the school for their hard work and commitment to children at the school.”