Foxfields Academy is part of C.I.T Academies
0116 344 0343

Early Intervention

Foxfields Academy

Early Intervention

At Foxfields Academy we recognise that poor emotional health, which can be impacted by a wide range of issues, can be a barrier to learning and ways to address this include supporting parents and families.

For this reason, we operate an open-door policy at Foxfields. This gives parents and carers the opportunity to come into school without an appointment. Often, situations arise that need dealing with at the earliest opportunity. We make sure that we provide early intervention to the pupils and their families in order to promote, protect and improve pupil’s wellbeing and mental health.

In order to do this all staff at Foxfields are able to identify any issues impacting a pupil’s wellbeing and mental health and take action to address such issues as soon as possible, see the early intervention pathway. This action will typically be led by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and may be in the form of an Early Help Assessment to signpost and seek additional external support for pupils and their families or may be through bespoke support packages driven by staff in school in conjunction with pupils and their families. Additionally, we will utilise our staff skillset to determine how an identified support package is provided.

Regardless of the perceived size of an issue a pupil or family may be experiencing we at Foxfields are passionate to support and promote a united approach as school and home. If you feel you could benefit from such support, this may be to target a specific area of challenge such as bed time routine, challenges with housing services or the need to soundboard to somebody, please do not hesitate to contact our designated safeguarding lead.

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